What is a Blog? Definition and History of a Blog

Blogs are articles in the form of writings or posts on website pages that are applied through computers, laptops and cellphones with an online network. Usually this website can be accessed by all internet users according to the topic and purpose of the blog user.

Why should you create a blog and what are the benefits of creating a blog! Creating a blog is fun because we can share our knowledge with everyone. Creating a blog with blogger is very easy and fun because it greatly speeds up the creation of blog articles without having to be able to understand programming languages.

What is a Blog ?

A blog is a website page or media template platform used for writing useful articles on the Internet.

What is Blogger ?

If you look at the Oxford dictionary, a blogger can be defined as someone who regularly writes for blogs.

Free Blog Service Provider

Here are some of the free blogging service providers that you can use to create a blog :

  • Blogger.com
  • WordPress.com
  • Tumblr.com
  • Medium.com

Definition and History of a Blog!

On 23 August 1999, Blogger was launched by Pyra Labs. As one of the world's first blog publishing tools, Blogger was instrumental in popularizing the blog format in the world. In February 2003, Pyra Labs was acquired by Google, making a number of the premium features of Blogger that Pyra Labs previously commercialized a completely free service. In October 2004, Pyra Labs co-founder Evan Williams resigned from Google (wikipedia).

Hopefully useful and greetings of success always.